Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a free app?

Yes! VeeV is a completely free app for you to use in all your wardrobe, creative & styling projects. There is no limit to the number of clothing or accessories you can store in your VeeV collection. We do not have any ads within our app, nor is there any in-app purchase. There is no limit to how many accounts you can create, as long as each account has been registered to a unique e-mail address. This is great for stylists who need to remotely manage the digital wardrobes of several clients.

I’m a personal stylist, how will VeeV help me?

You can digitize and remotely manage an entire style wardrobe for your client, and style your clients with the VeeV app. This fashion collection is stored on VeeV’s server, so it never slows down your phone memory. Your client will be able to access this password-protected digital wardrobe using the VeeV app, from any iOS or Android phone and tablet with internet connectivity. When your VeeV collection becomes to large to scroll and search, find items by take a picture of what you want then use the 🔎 visual search icon to scan for a match/matches.

Use VeeV's supersonic visual search to look for items in a large fashion collection.

Are my pictures private and secure?

We take great care to ensure that the images you store on VeeV are secure and confidential, accessible only to yourself and whomever you have given access to your VeeV log-in/password. We do not sell or distribute your images to any third party. As long as you know your username/password, you will be able to access all your images from any VeeV app on any phone at any time.

What about pictures I’ve deleted from VeeV?

Pictures that you have deleted from your VeeV collection are gone from your collection. If you are still seeing deleted items in your collection, swipe down on the collection screen to refresh. Do take care not to accidentally delete items that you actually want, as we have no ability to retrieve them 😞. If you have an urgent issue with pictures that were accidentally deleted, please contact us.

Share VeeV with friends and earn rewards when they use your unique code.

Did you know that your VeeV app comes with your own unique promo code?

 Find your unique promo code in the side bar, tap on ‘Earn Rewards’ to invite your friends to VeeV. Have your friends download the app then have them enter your unique promo code in the ‘earn rewards’ section. Each time your unique promo code is used, you will score more storage space. If you’ve enjoyed using VeeV, share the love! Friends don’t let friends wear bad outfits.

I have a promo code, what should I do with it?

Promo codes are entered directly in your VeeV app. When you open up VeeV, swipe right on the top left icon and the side bar will come up. Tap on the button ‘Earn Rewards’ and you can enter your code there. Promo codes are case sensitive and one time use per account.

What is the ‘donate’ feature?

Found in the side bar, it is a feature to help  you to find your nearest donation/charity center. This is a great way to declutter your wardrobe, and at the same time do your part for the environment by keeping usable items out of the landfill. (Tip: For this feature to work, your phone location must be turned on and VeeV needs to have permission to access your location.) You can read more about Green Fashion in VeeV News here. Don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter to know when there’s fresh articles from our contributing writers in the sustainable-fashion industry.
Donate: find your nearest donation/charity center. This is a great way to declutter your wardrobe, and at the same time do your part for the environment by keeping usable items out of the landfill.

The app is giving me error messages, what should I do?

i) Check that you have the most updated version of VeeV. (Android users update instructions here and iPhone users can check for new app updates in ‘Updates’ in the phone’s app store.)
ii) If you have the latest version of VeeV and still experience difficulties, force close the VeeV app. (iOS users how-to here. Android users how-to here.) Also, if you have just downloaded the app it may be easier to just uninstall and re-install the app.
iii) If you are still experiencing difficulties with VeeV, our servers may be down for maintenance and the issue should be resolved in a few hours. We appreciate if you can let us know your phone model & error report with time/date at